
What is MetaPropArt?

Metapropart is a Web3D project aiming to explore in new ways cinema diegetic content, or in other words, movies universe and fiction. This strange word i propose comes from “Prop Art” movement that recognizes movie props and memorabilia as a form of art and “meta” a suffix used to point out it’s transcending nature. Without time constraint or narrative linearity, user has the liberty to deduce new scenario possibilities found on suggested clues and to explore object/site details or events. This project is a way to express the love I feel for cinema, and a tribute to all fans that want to get lost on their favorite movies as I do.

Here some links about Prop Art and movie memorabilia.

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About Web3D

3D Real Time for the Web is not really a new thing. Different technologies have follow since .vrml the first to achieve this exploit. Today, without any clear standard, many different alternatives are at reach. Papervision, Java 3D or today x3d, are some possibilities in an universe of choice.

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About copyrights

Metapropart aims to share film universes with other fans like me, it’s an experiment to show producers, scenarists, filmmakers and everyone how Web3D as a Transmedia Storytelling tool can go beyond the film in theaters. All the copyrights of the films I explore with the Web3D models are as a derivative production respected because no profit is being made out of each creation. It could become an economically viable business but it needs more people with different skills to grow, so if you are interested 😉

The incoherences or differences with the film that Web3D model may have are caused by a lack of information on the item or simply lack of time to go further on the script possibilities. For me they are a work in progress, always possible to be perfected. All the models I propose are created with the intention of being as close as possible to the film universe. The clues that I propose as a narrative alternative want to respect the scenario logic as a fanfic will do, with all the respect for the original piece.

